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Expedite Analysis
with Canalyst Dashboards

Canalyst’s database of 4000+ models with standardized data taxonomy enables us to quickly pull data across any number of names. Clients leverage our unparalleled fundamental data sets of thousands of companies, and begin analysis faster than ever thanks to custom screens and dashboards. To take your analysis to the next level, request a demo today.

Why Canalyst?

Our unique combination of people and process results in a premium, industry leading product that helps our clients survive and thrive in a tumultuous, high stakes industry. We are:

Full company-specific models across all market caps and all sectors

Full company-specific models across all market caps and all sectors

All data entry & validation performed in-house directly from public company filings

All data entry & validation performed in-house directly from public company filings.

Access the complete database from anywhere, anytime – instantly

Access the complete database from anywhere, anytime – instantly.

Fast turnaround during quarterly reporting

Fast turnaround during quarterly reporting.

Consistent layout for all models, across all sectors, while preserving company and industry specifics

Consistent layout for all models, across all sectors, while preserving company and industry specifics.

Models are downloadable in unlocked Excel files, ready for use and customization
Excel Based

Models are downloadable in unlocked Excel files, ready for use and customization.

I just got logged in, my wife said I look like a kid with a new toy on Christmas morning! Founder/CIO, long/short
While I’m sitting here drinking wine, you just updated two of my models. DoR, $800M+ fund
My [Canalyst] license is like having another associate. Analyst, Infrastructure & Entertainment