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Models and Data

Immediate Access to Robust,
Up-to-date Financial Models

4,000+ models across all sectors and caps.
Download models instantly as an unlocked Excel workbook.

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Every KPI That Matters

Every model is updated for earnings announcements, restatements, and significant M&A in near real-time to include:

  • Consensus data & real-time stock pricing linked to your data terminal
  • Drivers cells for forecasting your assumptions
  • Income statement + adjusted numbers, as reported
  • Cumulative/quarterly cash flow statements and balance sheet

Consistency, No Bias

Models across all sectors are organized in a consistently structured layout to give you a familiar starting point:

  • Historical = 10 years
  • Forecast = 5 years of fully linked-up working forecasts
  • Forecast drivers tuned to management guidance, consensus, and recent performance

Adaptable to Your Workflow

We provide standard and custom Excel worksheet drop-in templates (DCF, LBO, incremental M&A) that are directly linked to data in the company’s model so you can:

  • Perform and repeat relevant analysis across multiple models in seconds
  • Customize metrics
  • Re-drive values
  • Leverage our data while maintaining your proprietary way of valuing companies

Model and Data Quality Is Our Top Priority

Our 100+ person equity research team builds and updates models directly from company filings, using a stringent review process to ensure accuracy.

Manual Review
Manual Review

North America-based analysts build and update all models

Directly Sourced Data
Directly Sourced Data

From primary sources such as earnings reports and press releases

No Communication Gaps
No Communication Gaps

Tightly-connected teams, across all functions


Multiple layers of systematic quality checks in the modeling process

How We Build and Update Our Models

  1. Two analysts independently enter the data from the public filings

    Two analysts independently enter the data from the public filings

  2. Models are compared against each other by a proprietary software check

    Models are compared against each other by a proprietary software check

  3. Once validated, a sector specialist signs off

    Once validated, a sector specialist signs off

  4. A series of quantitative software checks is performed

    A series of quantitative software checks is performed

  5. Model is available for download, through email notification, or as an automated update to your model from the prior period

    Email notification sent to download available model from the portal

Want to Learn More? Request a Demo