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Canalyst Launches Fundamental Model Database Covering 3,000+ Equities

October 25, 2016

Vancouver, BC – Canalyst, an equity research technology provider for institutional finance professionals, announced today the launch of its US equity model database as part of its on-demand research platform. The announcement follows the company’s venture capital financing round led by Vanedge Capital earlier this year.

Canalyst’s US product includes full, institutional-quality models on all companies in the Russell 2000 and S&P 500, plus over 700 additional US-listed equities across all sectors and market caps. Accessible through an annual subscription, the database is especially comprehensive for under-covered small and mid-cap names.

“We’re excited to bring equity research and technology together to give everyone on the buyside access to tools usually only accessible to the top commission payers,” said Damir Hot, CEO of Canalyst. “Our products help level the playing field in a sector feeling the pinch of shrinking fees, intense competition, and decreasing service levels from the sellside.”

Hedge funds, traditional long-only funds, and family offices have been using Canalyst’s TSX and TSX-V Canadian coverage since launching in 2015. The cloud-based product streamlines in-house fundamental analysis and reduces reliance on sellside models, which come with high implied costs and have limited coverage for the mid-, small- and micro-cap companies where alpha is found.

“To broaden our coverage universe and shorten the time it takes to research a new company, we have incorporated Canalyst’s US equity database into our research process,” said Francis Lau, a Portfolio Manager of Vantage Asset Management. “We appreciate the Canalyst team’s high-touch service and trust the models’ data integrity.”

About Canalyst
Canalyst is a fast-growing financial technology company serving institutional investors and analysts. Canalyst enables CIOs, Portfolio Managers, and Directors of Research get more out of their teams by saving time, efficiently ramping up and expanding coverage, and ultimately generating higher-conviction investment ideas based on the platform’s robustness and breadth.